30/10/2010 – 27/2/2011
Frank Woo "Urban flight II - Touching the wave"
碧海藍天 都市列行II 之耍浪
銀波蕩漾 鳥兒追逐片片鱗光
乘風破浪 人為過活奮發向前
一生起伏不定 帶著微笑啟航
Chau Shik Hung "Bombax"
紅棉怒放 英雄巍立正氣凜然
熾熱的心 綻放無比堅毅光芒
花開花落 為求散播人間希望
種子隨風飄送 植根你我心房
Li Jia "Symbiosis"
萬物有序 相依相待和合共存
木棉落下 團團銀絮映照大地
堅韌不拔 成就繁榮昌盛之道
透視城市光景 乍見人在其中
Lam Yuk Fai "Cultural Relic Barge"
轟隆轟隆 文保號躉船鳴響中
吊臂桅杆 爭扎在消失的空間
穿梭今昔 打撈被淹沒的寶藏
呼喚世人關注 保育文化遺產
Leung Tat Hung "Force of Rhythms"
力之韻律 揉合剛強飄逸之美
火紅三角 相互緊扣聳然而立
烈焰騰空 傲骨雄心頌唱不息
紅棉奪目而出 浩氣直貫人間
Wong Chak Hung "Untitled"
自由國度 思維躍動翱翔天際
生活點滴 堆積獨特美麗城堡
力量凝聚 共建人們理想家園
城市發光發熱 全因活得精彩
Luk Yan Shing "Perseverance"
千錘百煉 孕育堅毅不屈精神
辛勤汗水 凝化片片閃亮方塊
爍耀古今 彰顯城市繁華景象
鑽石恆久璀璨 尋找美滿人生
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Kung Hei Fat Choy 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
ABOUT ME - a 2-Year Review
Ctrl-Alt-Del...getting prepared for a new page of me.
Everyday experience let me root for a thick growth.
The more I take, the more I feel empty.
I long for a fill of my hollow self.
One starts while the other ends.
It flowers; it withers.
All are the fruits of my own growth.
They nurture me for another move.
Life isn’t all fun; change doesn’t come easy.
Yet there is plenty of pepper left in me.
「椒」氣勃勃!吐氣揚眉! 辣!
Everyday experience let me root for a thick growth.
The more I take, the more I feel empty.
I long for a fill of my hollow self.
One starts while the other ends.
It flowers; it withers.
All are the fruits of my own growth.
They nurture me for another move.
Life isn’t all fun; change doesn’t come easy.
Yet there is plenty of pepper left in me.
「椒」氣勃勃!吐氣揚眉! 辣!
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